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Leslie Harrison Neal

Spring is a season of new beginnings, a time when nature awakens from its winter slumber and new life emerges. April is also National Minority Health Month, a time to raise awareness about the health disparities affecting minority communities. In addition, Black Maternal Health Week (April 11 - 17, 2023) falls in April, shedding light on the urgent need for health equity in maternal healthcare.

black pregnant woman laughing an touching belly

Studies have found doula support leads to better labor and birthing experiences. A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to a woman before, during, and after childbirth. Many black women choose to use doulas because they have been shown to improve birth outcomes and reduce disparities in maternal and infant mortality rates. Doulas can also provide culturally specific support and advocacy for women of color during pregnancy and childbirth. NYC has a citywide Doula initiative program that provides professional, no - cost doula services to residents of neighborhoods that have been especially affected by COVID - 19. To see if you meet the criteria log onto

CBTSI'S BHM Presentation

Community Bridges to Success Incorporated has been involved in several impactful programs and events. One of the programs is the Work Learn Grow program, which has provided opportunities to employ youth and to learn new skills and gain work experience. Additionally, the CBTSI with the assistance of our interns have created a social media platform to raise awareness about health and wellness. Through TikTok,, Facebook, and Instagram, motivational and health awareness messages are shared every Monday and Wednesday.

In February, the CBTSI hosted a virtual symposium "Black Resistance and Persistence" in honor of Black History Month on February 25, 2023. The event featured esteemed guest speakers including Caroline D Davis, CEO/Founder of Compassion, Dr. Brittany Miller, Project Director MECC Cancer Health Equity, Gloria Alfinez, Therapeutic Counselor at Bronx Connect, and Pastor Jay Gooding Sr, Senior Pastor Fellowship Tabernacle. The event was a success, out interns assisted with creating a presentation and slide show that focused on health and wellness, gun violence and the devastating impact it they have on the mortality rate with Black people. The slideshow also celebrating and acknowledged the achievements and contributions that Black people have made and will continue to make. The panel of speakers joined in the conversations touching on many topics regarding at risk youth , health equity and education advocacy.

52nd Precinct Police Officers, Donald Jones and Leslie Harrison Neal, Donald Jones

On Friday March 17, 2023 Leslie Harrison, CEO/Founder CBTSI was invited to participate as a speaker on the panel with Mr. Donald Jones, Project Director MMCC Beacon Program, PO Stephen Echavverria, 52nd Precinct, the Hon. Bianka Perez, Supreme Court 12th Judicial District, and hosted by Mr. Sherman Browne, CEO of AIMHIGH for MMCC's, Work, Learn Grow Program, Career Day Dinner. The event was catered by students/interns from MMCC's Culinary Arts Program was to congratulate the interns for completing the WLG program and also gave them a chance to hear inspirational stories and words of wisdom from the panel.


We are pleased to announce that we will be participating with NYC's Summer Youth Employment Program a six week paid internship for NYC youth between the ages of 14 and 24. The program will begin between July 5, 2023 to August 12, 2023 and from 7/12/2023 to August 19, 2023. Youths are paid $15 an hour and work 25 hours a week; up to $2,250 by the end of the program.

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